Monday, June 13, 2016
HOTel, Installation 2.5 x 10 m

Friday, May 22, 2015
'Brotherhood' 7 x 50 x 50 cm, paintings
Sunday, July 13, 2014
The Legendary Dog
Germans are a bit scared of me
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
My name their city
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tonys, photo 100 x 70 cm, 2010
Old tradition of renewing family members names after they pass away at Kosovo Albanians has been amended since the end of Balkan wars at the end of nineties, when Kosovo Albanians have been victims of them, too.
This amendment was noticeable right after Kosovo war when some Albanian parents did name their children on behalf of appreciations after people that were and still are alive.
On this picture you can see nine Kosovo Albanians children that are named after Great Britain-Prime Minister at that time Tony Blair, who is considered a war hero in Kosovo for his help dedicated to Kosovo freedom.
All these children taking a picture next to the Prime Minister’s photo Tony Blair are born in 1999, time when their country Kosovo got the freedom.
All these children have something in common. Their first name “Tonyblair”, that was given to them after the first and last name of Prime Minister “Tony Blair”.
(Photo by Kushtim Ternave)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
'Blue Wall Red Door'

“Blue wall red door” film, 33 min, pal 16/9
By Alban MUJA & Yll Citaku
“Blue wall red door” documentary film aims at analyzing the way of how people in Prishtina orient themselves, and what is for them the main object or building which they use for their orientation. The street names are definitely not the way people in that town orient themselves.
Since the last decade, street names were changed many times and today it seems like nobody is oriented by the street names.
This can be more noticed when the authors ask from a taxi company to drive us to a certain street or to take us to a certain place, and in case you give them the exact address with the street name and the number of the building, you have to give more explanation like near what other building is the place, or who is the famous person who lives there (mainly it is related to the important or public faces).
Of course this happens not only when one deals with taxi drivers but also this is the case even in the social gatherings and other public interactions.
It is always the case that one has to mention some kind of building or known public figure in order explain the place of the meeting, but never the name of the street or the number of the building.
The biggest challenge for our society is when someone (and it is usually foreigners) with a map in his or her hands asks, “Where is this street or how can I get to this street”.
The difficulties start in the moment when rarely anyone can direct the other to the place with the exact address, apart from the neighborhood of the city. http://vimeo.com/16841821
Friday, March 20, 2009
'Tibet' video

It’s a video about a Kosovar Albanian man, who lives in Switzerland. In fact the story is about his name. Tibet is an unusual name. Apart from having a strange name, the story how of he got his name makes this more interesting, strange and unusual. We, as a society, are used to hear names, which have some kind of attachment to the history of our own country, newborn children named after the war heroes or heroines. However, I am amazed when I hear names that in fact break the usual tradition of naming the newborn children. This story I am about to present has no relation to the history of the country the character is coming from. His name does not have any relation with the conflict or the history of the conflict itself it is an act of solidarity. Tibet was the second child in the family. He was the newborn male child, which for his family was the peak of happiness, and is the meaning of the Tibet as well. Apart from showing their solidarity with the situation in Tibet, which in many ways shared the same aims and ideals as Kosovo (home country of Tibet), liberty and fighting for human rights, his family had another meaning of this name in mind. Tibet – the worlds highest region. Through this video I wanted also to present the importance of interpretation and influence of the news on global society.
'Palestina' video

Palestina, is an Albanian girl. Her name may sound strange and unusual, but her name is Palestina. The name has been thrilling to her since she understood the real history of it. However, she feels proud of her name and the story of how she got that name. Palestina herself tells this history on video. Her mother, at the time when she was expecting a baby, was stunned by a tragedy taking place in Palestine. Israeli soldiers killed a young Palestinian in front of his girlfriend. Sad because of the cruel killing of her lover, young Palestinian girl, got into her car, filled it with explosives and clashed along with this car-bomb into an Israeli soldier convoy, killing as many as 20. The event took place in 1982, weeks before a Kosovo girl, later named after “Palestine”, was born. Her mother, stunned with the tragic news comming from Palestine, decided immediately that if the baby she was going to give birth is a girl, she would be named Palestine. Her husband and the entire family were severely against this unusual name, but she was set and did not defer the pressure. On the video, Palestina herself tells how she understood the reality of her name’s history: ”Through this video I wanted to present the importance of interpretation and influence of the news upon global society, including news dealing with tragic and horrifying events that spark extreme reactions as even today it is not that easy to distinguish the boundary between heroism and madness”.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
'Free your mind' video

'Free your mind' Video 9:45 min 2004
One of the first projects that I completed is a video entitled Free your mind. The video of Marina Abramović was my starting point and it gave me the idea for my work. However, I was not very happy with the first form of the idea and, therefore, I continually tried to find a way to differentiate my work from that of Marina. What should an artist do to respect the source of his inspiration, the work of a famous colleague who has made a name for herself, and at the same time, to distance himself from that work and that name, and to become himself? For a moment, I thought about how I could free myself, not from the influence, but from the torture of trying to find myself in the work of another artist, if I repeated out loud the famous name, until it lost its meaning. Then, I realised that this is a way to be freed from every name and influence. I started to spontaneously call the names of the artists that came to my mind and who have influenced me in one way or another. I felt that I was doing some kind of exorcism. In a way, I was respecting those names, but at the same time, I was freeing myself from a weight, from all that I had accumulated on my mind in the form of preferences and influences, by taking them off of me and converting them into empty sounds, which one after another, were lost in time and space...
'Speak UP' video

'Speak UP' video 0:43 min
If you speak English, is there a need to speak any other language? The majority will say it would have been good but not necessary,but then what about Albanian, a language spoken by a small nation?
The author of the ’Speak UP’ video, in a way, doesn’t agree with it. He invites one of his colleagues from a far away country and starts teaching her some of most frequent words of communication in Albanian. The girl on the video didn’t memorize much, and therefore the video didn't last long, less than a minute. Author is questioning the public opinion on, whether we have to learn onlyone language and use it as the only mean of communication.
'Prime Minister' video

'Prime Minister' Video 2:30 min
The idea of this video was supposed to be the regime that we are currently facing, but then it turned out being a double regime. Two boys, in this case my young cousins, must agree with the tradition of circumcision ceremony that satisfies the whole family but not them; the whole ritual confuses them. In this video I have presented two stories; that of a surgeon, who left the profession to become a prime minister, and that of an Imam who sings for the boys which are again facing a regime – in this case the religious one. Many years ago I have been also circumcised. I bought a bicycle with the money that I earned from the ceremony. Maybe this is the only chance when the kids get money for the use of their personal requests.
'Museum of Contemporary History' C-print

'Museum of Contemporary History' C-print 2004
I was born in the city where these bridges divide two communities that are totally different from one another -- serbs in the North and albanians in the South – both with different views.
I was born in the city identified by the “Iber” bridge.
I was born near the bridge which is defacto a Museum, a Museum of Modern History, even though dejure is not so.
I was born near the “Ibri” river
I was born in Mitrovica.
'Meat Shop' performance
National Gallery of Art, Tirana Albania
The work of Alban Muja, entitled “meat shop”, start from a displacement of the context of a daily action like to go to buy meat. The action consists in fact in inviting a butcher to move his activity on the sidewalk in front of the National Gallery. This kind of action show how the artist see the society, “another" look outside the same social system and for this reason deep and careful in catching those small particular that, emphasized, transform one small situation in the manifestation of a global problem. Muja places this accent in almost all his artistic production like in "Museum of Contemporary History" where a simple landscape photography becomes, with the intervention of the artist, a document on present and past history of Kosovo, or like in "Free your mind" where pronouncing all the names of the personages of the art world that he remembers, he constructs a bridge between his memory, his informations and all the things that the artistic “power" promotes and recognizes like art.
In meat shop, the work thought purposely for 1/60insurgent space, the artist elevates to art work a moment of every day life (buying meat), involving the artistic institution (the National Gallery) and the political power. The happening will be, in fact, three days before the political elections that, like in the best (or the worse one) tradition, construct a facade useful in order to demonstrate all the good things that were made or are being made, in order to convince people not to interrupt this process. Alban Muja shows the hidden facade, that no one wants to show, the died meat, ready to being consumed, but first of all, the common action of a common person, that kind of person of which all speaks about but nobody really cares about them, except at the moment of the vote. Instead, the Alban Muja’s art bring in foreground, just this common and "poor" moment giving it a very important place in the cultural life, elevating it to global problem.
Stefano Romano
'Tourist city’ - art action in public space

Tourist city’ - art action in public space 2007
Novi Sad, Serbia
With the changes of ascendancies in Balkans the political changes happened quite frequently towards the society which was not of the same nationality as the one of the effective politics. Hence, this action of mine, came during the time of his residency in Novi Sad (Vojvodina), Serbia.The city was then leaded by a radical political force, which has changed even the names of the streets, writing them only in Cyrillic, while adjusting them only with their radical solicitations, respectfully with the alphabet easy understandable just for a part of town community. Preliminarily those street name tables, as anything else, were written into two and some case in three languages, while showing its multi-ethnicity and not its radicalism, as the city leaders were, which in a paradoxical way came to power. I undertook his action in the main city streets, while converting their names into Latin writing, for all the people which don’t understand Cyrillic writing, while making the orientation much easier for the tourists visiting the city. I disposed tables in some of the main streets of the city, and meantime some were damaged just a few hours after the action
'Window seat' drawing project
“Occasionally I was seeing forms of expressive abstraction, while occasionally those of a geometrical abstraction”. In both cases, the flurries of creation were slamming – those of Nature (or God, if you prefer), or those of Men.“Thereupon, during every other journey from the East to the West Coast, or vice versa, I was always looking to get a seat near the window – ‘Windows Seat’. And, I continue to fill my sheets with drawings of America, from above”.
Shkelzen Maliqi